Application Criteria

Intimacy Coordinator Job Profile

An Intimacy Coordinator specialises in managing scenes with intimacy, simulated sex, nudity and vulnerable content, and is contracted by production to support planning and/or working on scenes with intimate content, from the writing room, during pre-production, production and through to postproduction. 

The IC:

  • Facilitates a safe work environment for personnel working with intimate, sensitive and hyper-exposing content that respects actor and crew boundaries.
  • Facilitates coordination between production departments to fulfil the director's vision and helps reduce related risks, as well as avoid any unnecessary production delays.
  • Builds an environment in which actors understand what is expected of them and to give their informed and continued consent.

Required attributes for a trainee suitable for the role of Intimacy Coordinator include the following:

  • Background in directing, movement or acting with evidence of either a Bachelor/Master's degree in their chosen area and 5 years industry experience or equivalent 10 years professional experience and credits in their field
  • Strong organisational and communication skills, capable of coordinating dialogue and collaboration across multiple departments. (The course will be taught in English, but we strongly encourage applications from people who may speak other languages as a first language).
  • Understanding of on-set etiquette (through prior practical experience) and understanding of the varied departmental responsibilities and work flow.
  • Willingness to demonstrate and implement inclusive, respectful and responsible functions and protocols as demanded by the role.
  • Willingness to maintain safeguarding and advocacy approaches whilst remaining flexible and creative when working with cast and crew.
  • Up-to-date Police Background Check - specific to non-sexual offender status will be required prior to be accepted onto the programme, or evidence that an application is being processed.
  • A pedagogical background.

  • Understanding of Mental Health and Trauma in the arts

  • Evidenced workshops, research, knowledge or training already undertaken in the world of intimacy coordination, intimacy direction or other consent based practices.

Additional Requisite:
  • Shortlisted candidates will need to provide a professional cv and 2 references.

Application Deadline PASSED

Notification for Invitation to Interview will be on or before: 23:59 (CET) 22nd July 2024

At the close of the application window there will be a shortlisting process.

Interviews will take place between 24th July 2024 and 7th August 2024 to determine the final training placement positions.

Successful candidates will be notified - by 23:59 (CET) on the 19th August 2024

Safe Sets 2021-24 Training information website
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