How to Apply

1. Visit the Safe Sets Training Website

Intimacy Coordination is an exciting new role and many people are interested in becoming intimacy coordinators, but we will be undertaking a thorough application and interview process and not everyone who applies will be successful on this occasion.  

Please go through the website thoroughly and look at what an intimacy coordinator does and what the training involves.  Additional information about the role and Safe Sets can be found on the Safe Sets Website 

Before you apply make sure you have understood the criteria and have the required skills to apply.

2. Fill in the application form

Please fill in the application form - with as much detail as possible to help us get to know you.  

It might be worth saving a copy in case you are not successful this time and you would like to refer to your answers for future applications.

The Application deadline is 15th July 2024 @23:59 (CET)

At the close of the application window there will be a shortlisting process.

If you are shortlisted you will be contacted via email before 22nd July 2024 @ 23:59 (CET). 

3. Prepare references and CV

If you are shortlisted and make it through to the interview stage we will be requesting 2 references and a copy of your professional CV.

4. Attend online interview

Short-listed candidates will each meet with 2 Safe Sets IC trainers at a time that is convenient for each party between 24th July 2024 and 7th August 2024.

Times outside of those dates will be considered in exceptional circumstances.

5. Course placement offers

We will be selecting 18-20 Candidates from those who have been interviewed. 

All candidates that we met will be notified to let them know whether or not they have been successful.  

You will have heard by 23:59 (CET) on 19th August either way.  If you haven't heard by this time, do get in touch as your email may have been wrongly addressed or the invite might have gone to your spam folder.

We will be keeping a shortlist of reserve candidates, and if you are on the reserve list we will let you know. 

6. Fill in the equality and diversity monitoring form

To meet both our targets within Safe Sets and our obligation as an Intimacy Coordinator training provider who has a course qualified by SAG-AFTRA you will be asked to fill in our anonymous equality and diversity monitoring form if you are invited to join the course.

This information will not be read in conjunction with any applications, now or in the future.  If, however, there are any conditions that fall into the bracket of inclusion, that may help you or us secure funding for you and you would like to disclose any information either on your application, during interview or by any other means, please do let us know in the best way that works for you.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. How much does the course cost?

The price for the online, in person and mentorship phase of the course are €5500. 

2. What is included in the fees?

The fees include the tuition for online, in-person and mentorship training sessions, totalling 84 hours minimum of contact time with Safe Sets Trainers.

Use of intimacy kit and barriers during in person training

In addition to guided learning there will be homework set and additional learning tasks, which will be assessed and marked by trainers totalling approximately 24 hours.

Learning resources will be available for all learners in the Google Classroom, which learners will have access to, until they're fully certified.

There will additionally be 121 mentorship once the learner has entered the workplace to give learners the opportunity to trouble shoot and ask questions, (up to 2 hours included - additional sessions can be booked at €25 per half hour), plus all learners will be given access to an emergency WhatsApp helpline, linked to all of the trainers, in case they have an issue on set that needs support.

All learners will also become part of the IC trainee community WhatsApp group with their trainers and fellow members of their cohort.

Additionally, you will be added to the Safe Sets community Hive - a group space for all ICs who've trained with Safe Sets where you can pose questions and share interesting articles and resources when you're working as a professional IC. 

3. What is not included in the fees?

Travel & Accommodation to and during the in-person training is not included in the fees.

Food during the in person training

Police Check (if fee required for processing)

Supplementary Courses:

ICs are expected to undertake supplementary courses prior to working on set.  These will need to be undertaken once you have been accepted on to the course.  The requirements match those required for both the SAG-AFTRA registry and the BECTU registry for those working in the UK.  For full certification you will need to furnish Safe Sets with your certificates, no more than 3 years old, for each discipline.

Courses to be completed are:

MHFA Certification - approx. 2 full day course

Anti-sexual harassment - short course

Anti harassment and bullying - short course

Unconscious Bias - short course

LGBTQIA+ Awareness Training - short course

Disability Awareness Training - short course

Equality Diversity and Inclusion - short course

Anti Racism Training - demonstrable commitment to learning and practice

Conflict Resolution - short course  

Working with minors - PART training, child safeguarding or similar - 1/2 - 1 day course

For those working in the UK additionally, you should have Creative Industries Safety Passport - 1 day course

On going CPD

Professional ICs are expected to complete on going CPD at 10 hours per year.  This will be expected for all ICs entering the profession and these courses are to be sourced by at the ICs own expense.

4. Can I pay in instalments?

There will be 3 payment structures available, and if selected to join the course we will discuss with you which payment plan you would prefer. 

You would then sign an agreement to meet your obligations as per the agreement irrespective of whether you finish the course or not.  Due to the nature of the training and the structure of the team, it would not be possible for your place to be filled by someone from the reserve list once the course had commenced.

Please do consider this before accepting a place, agreeing to pay and commencing the course.

5. What is the structure of the learning

The online sessions will be on a fixed day/evening of the week to suit all learners.  It is expected that you attend all classes, but if you do have to miss a class due to circumstances outside of your control, then a recording of the class will be made available.  All homework and interactive tasks set during the class will have to be carried out in the learners own time, as they form part of the certification pathway.

The classes will be made up of a combination of learning methodologies to assure differentiation.  We aim to modify the learning methods as much as possible to meet the groups' needs, but broadly they will be a blended approach combining lecture/presentation, interactive Q&A, group discussions, breakouts and interactive tasks.

The in-person training teaches the practical elements of the role of the intimacy coordinator and will involve simulations of the role of intimacy coordination both from the perspective of the intimacy coordinator and the actor. 

Participants will not be required to work nude but they will be expected to simulate sexual action.  Consent and agreement will be part of the process for all, as it would be for the actors on set, however this part of the course is mandatory and physical participation will be expected.  

The group mentor sessions will be tailored to the group and will be a mix of lecture style sessions as well as Q&As, guest trainers and peer to peer learning.

121 mentorship will be available following the training and a community support hub will be set up to continue your community sharing of knowledge and upskilling as you enter the field of intimacy coordination.

All Safe Sets trained ICs will be given access to 'The Hive', which is a community home for all ICs who have completed the Safe Sets IC training.

6. Is there any other another way to apply?

If you are not comfortable filling in the application form you can submit either an audio or video application.

You will still need to answer all of the questions, so please make sure you read out the numbers and headings as you work you way through the form content.

For applications done in this way please save the file to a file sharing or transfer website, making sure we have long term access, and email the link to

7. How will I know if I'm selected?

Once the deadline for applications has passed, the Safe Sets team will process the applications and will notify successful candidates that they have been shortlisted for interview.

We are sorry to say that we will not be contacting candidates who have not made it through to the interview stage.

If you have been interviewed will let everyone know whether they have been successful or not.  We will maintain a reserve list in the event that someone offered a place is unable to accept it.  Reserve list candidates will be informed of their status.

8. Why didn't I get an interview?

Intimacy Coordination is a field many are trying to enter, and we are anticipating a lot of applications from people around the world to join the course.  For the teaching and learning, and on going support to be effective, we cannot accommodate any more learners than those stipulated.

If you were not invited to interview it is likely that there were stronger candidates during this round of applications.

9. I didn't get onto the course - what next?

Globally opportunities to train are quite limited, however there are other training providers who also have an annual intake of trainees.  Many of those training providers also offer shorter courses and entry level courses.

Undertaking shorter courses and becoming engaged with other intimacy practitioners, reading the available literature and investing time in engaging in the supplementary courses might make you a stronger candidate on the next round of interviews either with Safe Sets or another training provider.

Numbers are limited and we are expecting to be unable to accept everyone we would like to train this time round.

10. Does Safe Sets offer Scholarships? 

Safe Sets will be funding or partially funding some candidates who are exceptional but who would be unable to pay for the course themselves.

We highly encourage all applicants to apply to funding bodies local to them additionally, to see if they can get financial support for the course.

11. Is the Safe Sets course approved by SAG-AFTRA?

The Safe Sets Intimacy Coordinator training course is a SAG-AFTRA qualified intimacy coordinator training, which means it has met standards stipulated by them as to both the content, the trainers and the ethics of the course outline.

On completion of the course, the trainee ICs will meet the minimum standards of intimacy coordination and are suitably qualified to work on set as Intimacy Coordinators under mentorship.

12.  Will Safe Sets give me work opportunities?

Safe Sets will not find work opportunities for newly trained ICs.

At Safe Sets we aim to give you the skills to recognise employment opportunities in the location in which you're based.  We will support and mentor you during this stage of the process and will encourage you to form groups and community within your training team so that you can support each other as you enter the industry.

Some countries already have many ICs working, and some countries don't film a lot of intimate content, therefore entering the field will be more difficult for some than others.

Using your own resources and contacts will be essential for you success as an IC.

13. When will I be certified?

Safe Sets will give you a copy of the certification pathway once you have been accepted onto the course.

As an overview however; once the trainee has completed both online and in person training, completed the set assignments, undertaken and passed all supplementary courses, completed and evidenced the required number of days on set, and other stipulated criteria such as references for work undertaken, the trainee will be approved for certification.

Realistically most trainee ICs become certified one year to one and a half years after their in person training.  There is no time limit provided by us.  We will keep your records and tracker until you have fulfilled the criteria.

14. Will I be invited to join Safe Sets after the training?

At the present time we're not looking to invite other coordinators to join Safe Sets.

All trainees are invited to join 'The Hive', which is the Safe Sets all time trainee community hub, a space to share and connect with other ICs.  This is a space that you may be able to get emergency cover or find collaborators - there may also be ICs in the Hive who are already working locally to you, so may become part of your local network.

At Safe Sets we promote community support, collective learning and empowerment which is why we never use our training as a recruitment environment.

There may be opportunities in the future to join Safe Sets but only in a way that is mutually beneficial to both parties.

15. If I don't complete the course can I work as an IC?

As an Intimacy Coordinator the primary function of the role is to manage/reduce risk of harm.

A partially trained, or untrained IC, has not been taught all elements of the role that aim to keep people safe.  Safe Sets would never certify an IC who hadn't undertaken each stage of the training. (This may be completed across different training providers).

Production may also not be covered by their insurance if they employ an Intimacy Coordinator who is not appropriately qualified.

There are organisations such as SAG-AFTRA, BECTU and the IPG who may be able to add you to their registers, which is possible once you have undertaken a number of days on set and match their various criteria - if you follow this path, you would be deemed appropriately qualified to do the role.

Safe Sets 2021-24 Training information website
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