On Set Mentoring and Shadowing

After in person training, trainees would be ready to work independently with mentor support. Where shadowing opportunities were available to support learning, they would be utilised.

If there are any funding partners will be able to facilitate the ICs gaining employment opportunities on sets in the regions local to them, or negotiate opportunities for shadowing.

6 Group mentoring sessions will be facilitated, and a community created for the trainees to work together to develop skills and share practices and experiences. Mentors will also be available by phone and email; they will check documentation being generated by trainee ICs, evaluate feedback, and act as a support to the newly trained ICs when they're on set.

Trainee ICs to carry out a minimum of 30 days on set, working as lead IC under mentorship. 

Trainee ICs to carry out a minimum of 30 days on set, working as lead IC under mentorship.

The maximum time to acquire 30 days is 18 months. If the trainee was unable to gain the 30 days on set as a lead IC during the 18 months (due to lack of opportunity in their region), they would be assessed on a case by case basis as to their suitability to be considered certified at that point, or to continue under mentorship.

All trainees who have completed their basic training and have moved into the mentorship stage, will also be invited to join the Safe Sets Hive. A continued learning space for Safe Sets trainees to come together and share best practice, and continue to learn and grow together.

In addition, Safe Sets are part of the global IC community, and will actively support the integration of the new Intimacy Coordinators into their chosen reason where they already have relationships or collaborative colleagues operating..

Safe Sets 2021-24 Training information website
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