Online Training

8 x three hour sessions will be taught online, so will be accessible wherever the trainee IC is located.

Modular Approach to Learning

The course has clear learning outcomes for each of the eight online modules. These interactive modules cover the IC process and protocols comprehensively and follow a logical pedagogical process. In addition, an online classroom will be created for learners, where they will be able to connect with each other, submit homework and access resources. 

Online Training - Intimacy Coordination

Trainees will attend eight, three hour sessions and learn the theory, history and applications of intimacy coordination on set. These sessions will be taught in English. Homework can be submitted either in English, or in trainee's first language.

Online Training - Supplementary Modules 

Additional courses are mandated as part of the IC training, and relevant links and providers will be introduced. Courses will need to be completed before in-person training phase, and include: Mental Health First Aid Certification, Assessing Risk Sexual Harassment Prevention, LGBTQIA+ Awareness, Safeguarding Children etc. 

Completion of Online Training

On completion of all IC course modules, supplementary modules, plus all assessments completed and marked, the trainee will now be ready to receive in person training.

Once a week sessions will allow the course to fit in around existing work commitments for the trainees, but also gives trainees the time to reflect on the previous session, write their reflections and complete their independent assignments. The supplementary modules could also be completed during this eight week period, except for Mental Health First Aid that would need 2 whole days with all trainees together.

Safe Sets 2021-24 Training information website
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